Thursday, July 2, 2015

What I've been up to

Hey guys! this isn't a Sims story, it's what I've been up to for the past months.
My report card still hasn't got mailed to the house so here are my grades on powerschool:
The Y1 stands for final grade and X1 stands for exam grade
They also messed up the math final grade which is supposed to be a 68(see below), the science final grade which is supposed to be a 72 and the tech final grade whih is supposed to be a 81
Final grade is supposed to be a 68

I failed a quarter of math(see above) because the arrogant teacher(who btw doesn't dislike me as bad as the art teacher from Q2 at the end of Q4) was absent for FOUR weeks, not even maybe FIVE. Marked my test as a zero when she made us retake it and my grade went from a 75 to a 54 because I can not write small and thus did not realize that I rewrote it on a piece of paper

Then, I do not know what happened to my grades at the end of Q2 because they went from this:
To this:
Maybe it was because the work got harder at the end of Q2...
School hasn't started yet but that is my S1 schedule
Ahh yes, Mrs.Christen is a mean art teacher which is why I dread next semester
They finaly fixed my grades but in the process, they put that I had a 34 on the science final even though before it said I had a 37 on it
They also switched some of my rooms and teachers
Ever wonder what Done means in italain? Well there ya all go
Yay, great. A 77 in science again. I hate the class.
How the hell did my science grade go down to a 68?! And a 37 in art is not possible...!


  1. Thank you. Q2 and Q3 were hard but I pulled myself together in Q4 :)

  2. I'm sure your grades will get better if you never stop believing in yourself :)
